whole house water filtration

Table of Contents

Have you ever been in a situation like this?

Scale not only reduces the service life and efficiency of the water heater but also has potential safety problems.

1. The home water heater heating speed is slower and slower, more and more high power consumption?

2. The shower quality is good, but with a period of time, the shower hole is blocked by gutters or particles, water flow is getting smaller and smaller!

3. The more you wash the vegetables, the dirtier they get.

4. The water purifier doesn’t work as well as it did at first after a while.

Today’s water quality determines tomorrow’s physique! Zhang Wenhong, an anti-COVID-19 expert, emphasized in his speech that “The greatest contribution to human social hygiene is the vaccine and the clean drinking water, which are the main reasons for improving human life span.”The importance of vaccines is self-evident at present, but the health of drinking water is often neglected.

What is the whole house water filtration systems for home?

With the improvement of life quality, people pay more attention to their health, and with the worsening of environmental pollution, more and more families begin to install water purification equipment such as water purifiers, water softeners, and so on.

Speaking of pre-filter, it is necessary to understand the whole house water purification system, it generally includes pre-filter, central water purifier, water softener, and direct drinking machine, and so on.

The pre-filter is the first coarse filtration equipment for the whole house water. It can filter the big particles such as sand, rust, worm eggs, red worms, and so on in the tap water. The pre-filter is usually installed at the front of the pipe.

The configuration of the pre-filter is usually T-type. The upper crossbar position left and right ends are respectively for the inlet and outlet. The vertical bar below is the fuselage and the internal cylindrical filter screen, and the bottom is the sewage outlet, depending on a valve to control the opening and closing.

The accuracy of filters ranges from 5-300 microns for different brands and models, and usually 100 microns for domestic use (90-110 microns for DVGW standard filters in Germany). The pre-filter forms a micron pole filter unit through the filter screen. When filtering, the water passes through the filter screen from outside, the impurity particles are trapped in the filter screen, and the filtered water flows out of the filter.

How many types of pre-water filters are in the market? What is the working pinciple?

At present, the pre-filter sold on the market are mainly of the following kinds: Stack-type filter, forward flushing pre-filter, siphon type filter, pre-filter backwashing.

1、Stack-type Filter

How it works:

A series of pressure plates of the same pattern intersects the grooves between the plates as they are compressed by a spring and a liquid on a specially designed inner support, to form a series of 100 micron or so filter units.

During filtration, water passes through the stack from the outside. The stack is tightly compressed under the action of the hydraulic force of the spring. The impurity particles are trapped at the intersection of the stack.

In the backwash state, when a certain pressure difference or time is reached, the system flushes the controller to control the valve to change the direction of the water flow, so that the impurity on the stack is washed out


The impurity washing is not complete, the filtration precision is not uniform, there is no sewage outlet.

2. Forward Flushing Pre-filter

How it works

Most use 50-100um stainless steel strainers, which filter water through the pressure of the water pipe from the inner wall to the outer wall, sediment, rust, red worms, and other impurities are retained by the membrane hole, then open the flushing valve to flush off the impurities retained by the stainless steel membrane, and realize the flushing of the filter element.


When the water quality is poor or the consumers use it improperly, the filter core is easy to be blocked, not only the smaller impurities can not be washed out, but embedded in the filter core deeper, tighter, easy to become secondary pollution can only open the shell to take out the filter core with a toothbrush.

3. Siphon type pre filter

How it works

The siphon type pre-filter is external pressure type, through the pressure of tap water from the pipe wall to penetrate into the inside, sediment, rust, red worms and other particles in the surface of the membrane hole retained, open the washing switch, the water flow around the filter core forms a sub-pressure. The built-in water distributor can effectively remove the dirt and impurities trapped on the filter screen. The dirt and impurities trapped on the membrane surface are washed away by water through the inner pipe of the filter, compared to the two previous models, the front, in the washing effect is much better.


When the water quality is poor or the consumers use it improperly, the filter core is easy to be blocked, not only the smaller impurities can not be washed out, but embedded in the filter core deeper, tighter, easy to become secondary pollution can only open the shell to take out the filter core with a toothbrush.

4. Backwash Pre Filter

How it works

The normal working state of the pre-filter for backwashing belongs to the internal pressure type. Through the pressure of tap water, the inner wall of the filter is penetrated to the outer wall, and the granular impurities such as silt and rust are trapped in the pipe, open the washing valve by the filter net retained impurities were washed away, if the water quality is poor, consumers do not wash for a long time, blocked do not worry. Through the backwash switch, the piston runs to the lower part, changing the direction of the water flow to the external pressure type embedded in the surface of the filter core is washed away by the water running in the opposite direction.

This is the most advanced pre-filter so far also.

Is it necessary to install a pre-water filter?

Germany introduced legislation in 1988 to force pre-filters on new or renovated homes.

What exactly is the purpose of the pre-filter?

1. Filter out large particles of impurities as well as rust and silt.

Due to various reasons, the tap water in the domestic water pipe may carry impurities such as rust and silt in the aging pipe during transportation, the quality can not be guaranteed, direct drinking is not recommended. Even if heated with boiling water, the water will still have a lot of sediment: such as sand, rust, eggs, and so on. The pre-filter is the first line of defense, filtering accuracy of 5-100 microns, can be the first time these rusts, sediment, large particles impurities, etc. filtered out. Therefore, the installation of a pre-filter is necessary, you can block the initial water impurities, large particles to ensure the safety of water quality.

2. Ease the pressure of the filter element in other water purification equipment in the home.

The pre-filter filters most of the rust, sediment, and other large particles of impurities, which can reduce the pressure of the filter element in other scenes in the home, extend the service life of the filter element, and reduce the replacement cost of the filter element, it also extends the service life of the follow-up equipment. Even if more advanced water treatment equipment is installed, the front should be installed first. Note: The pre-filter only plays the role of filtering impurities, filtered water can not meet the standards of drinking water.

3. Protect other wading appliances in your home.

If there are too many Impurities in the water, the impurities in the water will be attached to other household appliances, affecting the normal use of household appliances, even reduce the service life. If the heat transfer surface temperature is very high with hot water, a scale will be attached to the inner surface of the heat exchanger over a long period of time, affecting the efficiency of the equipment. Installation of the pre-filter, can effectively reduce water and electricity scaling, reduce heat loss. At the same time, it can also reduce the scaling of the shower line and protect the Bath Basin, bathtub, and so on.

The pre-filter can filter out the large particles in the water ahead of time, effectively avoiding this kind of situation.

In addition, the pre-filter can also add “Hydrochloric acid complex phosphorus”anti-scaling filter core to solar energy, water heater to play a role in anti-scaling

4. Protect Pot

The pre-filter can protect the pot, reduce the accumulation of impurities and dirt, and keep the pot bright.

5. Generally cheaper, and will not have the trouble to replace the filter, often can use 5-10 years, or even longer.

The effect after two weeks of use of the pre-filter

The filter screen intercepts the rust, silt, particles, and other impurities in the inlet pipe, and the surface has accumulated a lot of dirty things, yellow, if not careful, such tap water will be used by us to drink and import. Generally, the water tank on the roof is cleaned once every six months, but the water pipe can not be cleaned. Our daily domestic water is directly discharged from the water pipe. The dirty water pipe is very harmful, so it is necessary to install a pre-filter, already in 1988, the German government made it mandatory to install front filters in new and renovated buildings.

How if compared with water purifiers and RO reverse osmosis water purifier?

In recent years, the health awareness of the Chinese people has improved, and more and more attention has been paid to the safety of household water use. Various kinds of water purification equipment have emerged on the market.

However, due to the lack of relevant domestic laws and regulations and the lack of knowledge of household water purification, many people will ask the question: I’ve installed the water purifier, do I still need to install the pre-filter? Is there a difference between the pre-water purifier and the water purifier?

The difference between the pre-water purifier and the water purifier

The installation position of the pre-water purifier is different. The pre-water purifier is installed at the pre of the tap water pipe, but the installation position of the end water purifier is at the tap water terminal, and most are installed in the kitchen for drinking and cleaning ingredients.

The biggest difference between the pre-filter and the water purifier is the difference in the filtration precision. The water purifier is only for drinking water, while the pre-filter is mainly for domestic water. Although the terminal water purifier purifies the water source finer, the filtration flow is limited, it’s hard to keep up with the water demand for the whole house. In our living water, drinking water only accounted for less than 5%, laundry, bathing, washing dishes, and other water consumption reached more than 95%. And the impurities in tap water in many areas, long-term use of such water bath easy to cause hair loss, dry skin peeling and other conditions.

Compared with the kitchen water purifier (RO reverse osmosis water purifier)

The life of the filter element of the pre-purifier is much longer than that of the kitchen water purifier. The filter element of the pre-water purifier is usually stainless steel. The service life of the pre-water purifier can be more than 5 years under the condition of regular backwashing. The particularity of this filter material also determines its long service life, which can ensure the filter’s lasting stability and invariability, and effectively reduce the problem of heavy metal precipitation in the use process, and the secondary pollution to the water quality at the same time. But under the kitchen water purifier PP cotton service life generally for 3-6 months, carbon rod for 12 months, Ro film for 24 months. The specific service life also needs to carry on the adjustment according to the water frequency and so on.

RO filter

At the same time, compared with other water purification equipment, the installation cost is not high, no loss later, when you need to clean, just turn the valve port can open the washing function, daily cleaning convenient and simple, use longer, cost-effective.

8 Tips For Choosing The Whole House Water Filtration Systems For Home

Household water use is becoming more and more difficult to ensure, open the tap from the water pipe is rusty yellow, wash towels or wipe the table, not to mention wash the face or clothes. Installed a water purifier at home, but found that the water is still not very clear, in the choice of water purification equipment, we need to choose the actual situation of the home water purification equipment. And whether you want to install a pure water machine, ultra-filter, or pipeline machine, the pre-filter is an essential part.

So how To choose the appropriate pre-filter?

1. Shell material

The shell of the pre-water filter is basically plastic material.

It is recommended that the inlet and outlet pipe should be made of a pre-filter of international environmental protection copper. Lead is very fatal to the human body, and lead-free copper is not easy to rust, effectively avoiding the secondary pollution of iron rust to water. It’s a machine for drinking water and eating food, and it’s important for consumers to keep their eyes open and away from the lead.

2. Filter Material

The SUS316 filter element is standard on most pre- filters. The pressure on the filter element is relatively small, even if the damage will not lead to leakage. Compared with the common SUS304, 316 Stainless Steel corrosion resistance is stronger. After the filter core rusts, it will block the filter screen, affecting the filtering accuracy and filtering speed. Filter core and shell material, as long as it is not a particularly cheap pre-filter, basically can meet.

3. Filtering Accuracy

We all know that the filter precision depends on the filter element, the quality of the filter element affects the precision of the pre-water purifier, but for the pre-water purifier, the precision of the filter screen is not the smaller the better, the higher the filtering precision (the smaller the number), the more impurities that can be filtered out, the greater the impact on water pressure. Too small will reduce the pressure, leading to smaller water, water is not convenient; Too large can not effectively retain sediment, rust, and other large particles of impurities, basically installed with no installed.

The Pre-filter is installed behind the water meter to provide water filtration for the whole house. The water pressure can be ensured by selecting a filtration accuracy of more than 20 microns. On this basis, the higher the filtering accuracy, the better. When the filtering accuracy is above 60 microns, it is impossible to filter out the impurities in common tap water, so we suggest that you should choose filter precision in 20 microns to 60 microns of products (filter precision control in the 40 microns or so is more reasonable, not only will be able to filter impurities clean, water flow.)

mesh water filter

4. Flushing Way

Currently, all pre-water filters come with a flush function that automatically completes the cleaning. The more thorough the cleaning, the better the use of the filter element. The popular method of Flushing is backwashing, also known as siphonage, which uses the siphonage principle of water to increase the pressure on the water and suck away the dirt from the filter.

In the past two years, a new washing method has appeared, which is three-dimensional washing, also known as spin-scraping washing, which makes the water move in a circle on the surface of the filter core, instead of moving up and down. It is suitable for washing out the dirty things that are stuck in the mesh hole of the filter, however, the cleaning effect on the surface of the filter screen is not as good as backwashing.

According to the principle of work, a backwash filter has absolute advantages, is currently the most suitable for home pre-filter.

5. Flow Rate

The greater the flow rate, the smaller the impact on water pressure. The water pressure of the home will be lower after the installation of the small flow pre-filter than before installation. In general, choose more than 3 T/H (M 3/H) to meet the normal water demand. If you use a lot of water at home, such as multiple bathrooms, often washing clothes with the washing machine, it is recommended to choose 3.5 T/H or 4 T/H products.

6. Pressure Bearing Capacity

A good pre-filter must be able to withstand high water pressure. Because once the water pressure instability, not only damages wading electrical appliances, but also damages water pipes, washing machines, water heaters, and other electrical appliances, so it is important to have enough impact resistance. Equipped with double-opening valves, intelligent water pressure detection, explosion-proof filter bottle are measures to protect the water pressure stability.

7. Drainage Way

Some of the pre-filters will automatically clean and automatically drain, while others will need to be manually rinsed for about 3 months. Each has its own advantages. Automatic rinsing is convenient, but it always feels somewhat dirty, while manual rinsing is troublesome, but the good news is it’s self-cleaning, so it’s careful.

8. Installation Method

360-degree universal water filter is more convenient.

When selecting the pre-water purifier, we need to know in advance the installation method of the water filter to buy. If you couldn’t make sure of the home installation conditions, we can choose the universal water filters. The universal pre-filter can be suitable for the installation of a variety of pipes at home.

The pre-water purifier is the first pass of the whole house water purification system, its function is very important.

In addition to the above tips, there are other configurations on the front filter, such as water pressure meter, flow adjustment function, and so on. Now, you must have known how to select the pre-filter already.

Installation of Pre-filter

Where do the pre-filters need to be installed?

Usually, as the whole house water filtration, the pre-filter is installed after the water meter in the water inlet pipe to ensure that the large amount of sediment produced in the pipe network will not cause harm to the human body and play a positive role in the protection of hidden pipes, faucets, electrical appliances and so on. It can restore the water quality to the standard of tap water, so the pre-filter is the bane of secondary pollution, is a reliable impurity filter device.

Installation Diagram of Pre water filter

Installation steps

1.Measuring length

Measure the nut spacing between the two ends of the front strainer with a tape measure. The length measured is(L)

2.Cut the tube

Close the inlet valve, drain the remaining water from the pipe, then use the PPR pipe scissors to cut the L pipe in the appropriate position according to the installation needs.

3.Hot Melt

Put on an octagonal cap and dry the hot melt with a dry towel. Weld with a hot melt machine. Check the temperature of the hot melt machine.

Weld the other end of the PPR pipe in the same way. Use a hot melt machine to reattach the PPR to one end of the cut PPR pipe.

4.Cooling fixing

The heated Slipknot is connected to the PPR pipe and cooled and fixed.

5.Install the pressure gauge

Wrap a raw material belt around the joint of the pressure gauge and install it on the top of the front filter.

6.Pre-filter Installation

Take care to determine the connection direction of the pre-filter. Place a silicone gasket on the union cap. Tighten the pre-water filter to the hexagonal cap with a wrench.

Note: The connection direction of the front filter must be exactly the same as the flow direction, otherwise it may cause the tap to flow smaller.


Open the main valve and close the drain valve, carefully observe whether the pressure is normal, to ensure that there is no leakage.

How to clean the pre-water filter?

Pre-filter as the first water filtration link has been accepted by more and more families, but after installation is completed, many people left it alone, almost did not know that the pre-filter also needs to be cleaned regularly.

The following are some of the leading filters that clog up after years of use.

The filter is completely black! Are you shocked by it?

So it is necessary to teach you how to clean the front filter correctly

How to clean the Backwash pre-water filter?

For the backwash pre-filter, a small basin can be placed under the discharge pipe and the top knob can be rotated counterclockwise to the bottom to change the direction of the water flow so that the pre-filter is automatically backwashed to clean the filter screen and drain. Water from the inside to the outside will wash off all angles of the screen to intercept the impurities, sewage time is about 10-15 seconds. The pre filter is removed every year and thoroughly cleaned.

Cleaning of Common Pre filter

1.After closing the main valve of the water pipe at home, open the drain valve of the front filter (usually the switch of the drain valve is marked accordingly) and completely drain the water in the filter bottle.

2.Using a monkey wrench, clamp the monkey wrench to the bottom of the filter and unscrew the filter. Remove the filter by hand. The disassembly mode depends on the pre-filter structure.

3.Wash and air-dry the removed filter bottles and filter elements with clean water, but remember that they must not be exposed to the sun, they must be dried in a cool place.

4.Install the clean filter bottle and filter element to the initial state, (Note: must be tightened, otherwise there will be a leakage in the use of the phenomenon) and then open the main valve, observe whether there is leakage phenomenon, if no leakage, then the installation is correct, installation complete.

Cleaning frequency

It is recommended that a rough cleaning once a week, thorough cleaning once a month, specifically, weekly open sewage outlet will be the prior filter impurities discharge clean, monthly through the above-mentioned cleaning steps will filter and filter core cleaning once a month, to increase the filter effect of the pre-filter.

How should the pre-filter be maintained in winter?

Anti-freezing measures

If the pre-filter is installed indoors, the room temperature shall not be lower than 5 ° C, because the volume of water will expand during the solidification process.

If installed outdoors, anti-freezing measures are necessary. Without anti-freezing measures, the pre-filter may crack. The prefilter must not be used when the temperature is below zero.

If you do not use the pre-water filter for a long time, you must close the water ball valve and filter all the water out of the bottle, before using it again to check whether the appearance of the filter is normal.

Other protective measures

  1. Avoid direct sunlight, no matter what kind of water purification equipment, must pay attention to avoid direct sunlight, because the sun will breed algae. If it must be placed on a balcony where direct sunlight is possible, it is recommended to put a shade cover or baffle near the front filter, which will have an anti-algal effect.
  2. Avoid the filter close to the high-temperature heat source body, such as gas stove, water heater and so on. If the long-term high-temperature baking, plastic parts are easy to deform, affect the service life.

How to solve the icing problem of the pre-filter?

Pre-filter must be placed at room temperature higher than 10 °C for 48 hours before the natural defrosting, during this period can not be forced through water filtration, such as fully defrosting water to check whether there is leakage.

Caution: product damage caused by snow freezing is not a product quality issue, is not covered by insurance.


The small size of the pre-water filter does not need electricity and does not have to be specially arranged floor drain, the cost is not high, not only improves the water quality, at the same time extends the service life of other water-using devices, is an indispensable primary water purification equipment for modern families. The pre-filter is used for life once installed, no consumables are needed after installation. The filtered dirt is usually adsorbed on the metal filter screen. As long as the backwashing function of the pre-water filter is turned on regularly, the metal filter screen can be automatically backwashed, the utility model has the advantages of convenient cleaning and maintenance, and no future cost of consumable materials.

Will the installation of a universal prefilter result in reduced effluent flow?

With the continuous improvement of living conditions, people pay more attention to the sanitation and health of drinking water. More and more owners choose to install the pre-filter in front of the water meter to filter the sand, rust, and other small particles in the tap water.

We recently received feedback from our customers that after the installation of the pre-filter, the tap has a small amount of water or even no water.

Our customer service staff rushed to the scene as soon as possible to investigate the cause.

According to our investigation, the reason why the water outlet of the tap is small or not is that the direction of the water outlet arrow of the filter is not consistent with the actual flow direction when the pre-filter is installed, the one-way cut-off function of the internal structure of the pre-filter restrains the water flow, which leads to the decrease of the outlet water flow.

Joygino pre-filter to remind the plumbers: in order to avoid such problems in accordance with the specifications required installation.

Finally, our after-sales personnel disassembled the universal front filter and reinstalled it after 180 ° to solve the problem of low water output.

After solving the issue, the customer gives a high degree of recognition and praise to our after-sales service.

Why is it not allowed to install a pre-filter in a Pipewell?

Now many families like to buy water purifiers, which can greatly improve the quality of our drinking water. In addition to buying a water purifier, some families also install a pre-water filter in the water pipe, which is also a simple measure to ensure water quality. But recently I heard that some properties are now not allowed to install pre-filters, Why?

The pre-water filter is actually a filter placed in the front of the intake pipe. Its function is to roughly filter the water that enters the home. It is mainly to filter out some of the big particles in the water, such as rust, silt, etc. . This will provide a basic guarantee for our daily water use. And for the home laying of pipes, faucets, water purifiers, and other electrical appliances can play a protective role

With all the advantages of pre-filters, why don’t some communities allow them?

First of all, the installation of the pre-filter will affect the common pipe in the building.

This is because the pre-water filter is usually installed in front of the inlet pipe, but this requires modifications to the common pipe. So in order to ensure that the building’s utility community will prohibit the installation of this device.

Second, it will make management more difficult.

The installation of front-end filters will make the public space piping more crowded, causing some trouble for future maintenance. And the maintenance process may also cause damage to the filter, easy to cause unhappiness between neighbors. At the same time, the management of the community also increased the difficulty. In addition, if the tap water well is open for a long time, there will be some security risks. So for these reasons, most of the community is generally not allowed to install the front-end filter in front of the inlet pipe. But we can install it in our own homes. Especially in the kitchen, the daily washing dishes and cooking need better water quality, so the pre-filter installation is the most appropriate here. Not only does it improve the water quality in your home, but it doesn’t affect anyone else.

Water is the source of life, the quality of water directly affects all aspects of household life. The pre-filter is the first barrier to protect the water supply throughout the house. Be sure to install it!

Jennifer Wang

Jennifer Wang

Hi, I’m Jennifer Wang, the funder of Joygino.com, I’ve been running a factory in China that makes water pipe cleaning equipment for 10 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to pipeline cleaning from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

2 Responses

  1. You made a good point when you shared that it is important to install a water filter in order to improve the quality of water as it directly affects all aspects of household life. My mother just mentioned the other day that she is worried about the quality of water in our home since we just moved to a new house a few months ago. I will suggest to her installing a water filtration system for our home by hiring a reliable service that can help to do so.

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